Because we recognizes, our teachers must lead by example as

Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire


A high-quality primary education is foundational to your child’s success.

At Elegant International School (EIS), we understand that parents seek a primary school in India that offers a blend of academic excellence, a strong value system, and a nurturing environment. That’s why we’ve crafted an environment where children not only excel academically but also bond with educators and peers. Our approach goes beyond textbooks; we encourage students to enjoy coming to school, discover the world around them, and develop a genuine love for learning.

A vision for Success


An Experiential Learning Journey

At Elegant International School (EIS), every day in our primary school is an adventure in learning, shaping, nurturing, and empowering students. We believe that education should be immersive, going beyond textbooks to provide children with a range of experiences that make learning joyful and meaningful. Our activity-based approach includes painting, arts & crafts, sports, and other diverse activities, ensuring a balanced and holistic educational journey for every child.

Furthermore, our curriculum is enriched with project-based learning and field trips, allowing students to delve deep into subjects, develop collaborative skills, and experience real-world settings. This approach ensures that every day at EIS is an exciting voyage of discovery for our students.


Building Strong Foundations for Future Success

At Elegant International School (EIS), we understand the vital role of primary education in shaping future success. Our curriculum focuses on key subjects like English, Mathematics, EVS (Social and Science), and Kannada, while instilling essential skills like numeracy, reading, communication, and critical thinking.

We prioritize curiosity, research, and active listening among students. Our dedicated reading period fosters a lifelong love for books, nurturing imagination and comprehension. At EIS, we craft future leaders by building strong academic foundations.


A Ethic & Value-Driven Education

At Elegant International School (EIS), our curriculum not only focuses on academic excellence but also emphasizes the development of essential values like honesty, empathy, respect, sharing, and gratitude.

These values are integral to molding our students into responsible, compassionate, and impactful citizens, contributing positively to society.


Fostering the Growth of Confident and Independent Leaders.

At Elegant International School (EIS), leadership is not just encouraged; it’s nurtured. Our unique approach ensures that every student has the opportunity to take on roles like green monitor, homework monitor, line monitor, and lunch monitor, fostering responsibility and confidence.

We boost students’ public speaking skills through classroom discussions, morning assemblies, presentations, and talent showcases, empowering them to articulate their thoughts and showcase their abilities.


Skills for a Technology-Driven Future.

At Elegant International School (EIS), we recognize the crucial role technology plays in today’s world. Our students are not only well-versed in current technologies but are also equipped for future advancements. With specialized modules in Robotics, 3D Design, and advanced computer classes that mirror today’s technological landscape, our students become adept individuals, ready to tackle future challenges and seize emerging opportunities.


Cultivating Healthy Habits, Etiquette, and Social Skills.

In the 21st century, Elegant International School (EIS) recognizes the importance of cultivating healthy habits and strong social skills alongside academic excellence. We are dedicated to nurturing well-rounded global citizens.

Effective communication is key in our personal development modules, helping students refine their listening and speaking abilities. We emphasize teamwork and collaboration, building essential skills.

By prioritizing social etiquette, table manners, and personal conduct, we ensure our students approach every situation with grace and propriety.


Active Parent Engagement.

At Elegant International School (EIS), we believe education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students, and enthusiastic parents. Collaboration between teachers and parents is essential for enhancing our students’ learning experience—our golden triangle.

We welcome parents into our community, involving them in classroom activities through our Reading Programme, Know My Parent sessions, Coffee with Class Teachers, and events like Curriculum Day, Children’s Day, and Annual Concerts. Seamless communication is maintained through the Student Diary, Today@EIS updates, Weekly Transaction Reports, and regular Parent-Teacher Meets. We also invite parents to audit the school’s safety, transport, and lunch systems and share their feedback.

As a well-established school, we recognize that continuous innovation is key to staying ahead of the curve and achieving success. Through the adoption of the latest technological practices, ongoing professional development initiatives, and an enthusiastic attitude, we cultivate a community of future-ready students at Elegant International School.

Our diverse leadership team brings a wealth of international expertise and a profound understanding of the local educational landscape. This enables us to provide students and teachers with the necessary support to thrive and grow.

High School

Academic Excellence

At Elegant International School (EIS), we excel in nurturing habits of systematic work in your child, leading them towards achieving their goals. Our students consistently achieve top rankings nationally and globally in their examinations, showcasing exceptional performance year after year.


Internal as well as external assessment based.


Updated in accordance with all the competitive exams.


Usage of technology to access and provide knowledge.


Application of knowledge to real life experiences.

We know that high-quality education doesn’t just focus on academics. Through numerous co-curricular activities and programmes that are integrated into the curriculum, we foster the holistic development of our students.

learning support

We go an extra mile to support your child’s success.


At Elegant International School (EIS), we offer resources and instructional strategies that provide students with the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual support they need to succeed. Our comprehensive approach ensures that all students have an equal opportunity for success by addressing barriers and promoting engagement in learning and teaching.

An equal opportunity for Success


Here to Assist & Support

At Elegant International School (EIS), we recognize that all students, regardless of their ability and attainment levels, may require additional learning support at various stages of their school journey to thrive and flourish. Early intervention is crucial, but it’s never too late to assist students and their parents in addressing their needs, whether large or small, including last-minute exam revision classes. While most students don’t need continuous support throughout their time with us, even the most successful students benefit from occasional help. Others may have more complex special educational needs requiring long-term support and specialized interventions.

We are here to assist and support every student.

Our teachers across various curricula and departments are trained to provide academic support tailored to students’ varying needs. We also have specialized counselors dedicated to offering the necessary assistance.


Enrichment Classes

Elegant International School (EIS) offers an enrichment program for students with special aptitudes in academic or co-curricular fields. Gifted learners, who quickly grasp and recall facts and concepts, often enter the classroom with advanced prior knowledge. At EIS, we believe that these exceptional students require adjustments to their education through advanced intellectual stimulation to help them reach their full potential and prevent underachievement.


Additional Help

At Elegant International School (EIS), we understand the importance of supporting struggling learners who may not be performing at the same levels as their peers. Through personal interactions, we provide constructive feedback and extra instruction in areas of need. Our after-school classes are designed to give students the tools they need to grasp difficult concepts, allowing them to work at par with their classmates. EIS fosters a positive and safe environment for all students, encouraging them to ask questions and apply creative teaching and learning methods to understand subjects deeply, rather than feeling pressured to learn everything immediately.


Remedial Classes

Boys and girls with learning difficulties and those who are differently abled possess the same psychological needs and characteristics as their peers. Learning disabilities are often wrongly attributed to laziness, and prolonged academic failure can make students appear disinterested or confused by schoolwork. At Elegant International School (EIS), we recognize the importance of providing these students with opportunities to succeed and regain their confidence and motivation. We understand that students with learning disabilities require evidence-based instruction and educational support.

EIS has an in-house Remedial Counselling Department staffed with trained counsellors who work with students to thoroughly understand their strengths and weaknesses. Timely and consistent support enables students with learning disabilities to become successful learners and adults.


Behavioral Counseling

All human behavior has an origin. At Elegant International School (EIS), our behavioral counselors promote positive student behavior to create a safe and dynamic learning environment for all our students. Working closely with teachers, parents, and sometimes remedial counselors, they:

  • Conduct individual and group counseling sessions on various age-specific issues, encouraging students to find comfort in open discussions.
  • Design and implement positive behavior and intervention support plans for individual students in collaboration with teachers.
  • Observe students in both formal classroom settings and informal environments to gain a comprehensive understanding of their behavior in relation to others.

Supportive Counselling

At Elegant International School (EIS), we believe that the mental and emotional well-being of our students is central to a successful education. To ensure every student feels safe and supported, our counselors provide professional care and guidance. Through one-on-one sessions, the counselors:

  • Develop a supportive and trusting relationship, actively listening to students’ concerns.
  • Assist students in working through challenges, prioritizing their personal and social development.
  • Serve as mediators between students, parents, and teachers, bridging any gaps as needed.

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